Viewing entries tagged
Vision & Mission

Possessing the Promises

Possessing the Promises

This inspirational prophetic message to the church is the last sermon by Pastors Dominic & Catherine De Souza in the capacity as Senior Leaders of One Church. We are reminded that God has spoken some amazing promises over us but that, though these are within our grasp, they won’t be fulfilled automatically. Learn how to take possession of the promises of God and to walk in the His very best, both personally and as a church.

[Sermon preceded by introduction from Elder Malcolm Reeve and goodbye message from Pastors Dominic & Catherine; to fast forward to the start of the sermon scroll to 8 mins 15 secs.]

Courage In Obedience

Courage In Obedience

In this sermon guest speaker Sarah Parkinson - Discipleship Pastor at Letchworth Garden City Church - looks at some of the "be strong and courageous" statements in Joshua Chapter 1. Both challenging and prophetic, this sermon will inspire you to take the steps you need towards wholehearted obedience.

The Blessed Life

The Blessed Life

This sermon is in two parts: the first introduces our new series on the beatitudes in Matthew 5 and the second unpacks a rhema word to One Church from Matthew 5:1-2. Learn the distinguishing marks of a true Christian and the discover the kind of life that attracts the blessing of God.

Continuing What Jesus Began

Continuing What Jesus Began

On the occasion of the second anniversary of One Church, this sermon goes back to the book of Acts and reminds us that God desires to do today all the things He did in the beginning! In fact as the Church of today we are called to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ in this world, expecting supernatural results as our norm! This message highlights the power and authority that God has invested in His Church and shows us that the hope for any community lies in the body of believers in that community.

We Will Tell the Next Generation

We Will Tell the Next Generation

It is almost incomprehensible that after the passionate, adventurous, faith-filled 'Joshua generation' died another generation rose up that did not know the Lord. This message explains how something so unthinkable could happen and shows the vital importance of passing on the baton of faith to the next generation. Not only will you learn how to parent for faith but you will discover that each of us, whether we have children or not, has a responsibility to preserve and transmit God's story for those that come after us.

The Significance of the Small Beginning

The Significance of the Small Beginning

In our culture of instant gratification we often expect the glorious and the grand straight away, failing to recognise that God often has the habit of starting the great and big things through the seemingly ordinary and insignificant things. This inspirational New Year's Eve sermon - which contains a rhema word for One Church in 2018 - exhorts us to be faithful in the day of small things and shows us how to keep on going on the face of difficulties and opposition. You will gain a new perspective on your struggles and learn how to bless your day of small beginnings, thereby being positioned to walk in God's best this next year and beyond.

The Power of Invitation

The Power of Invitation

The risk of not inviting people is greater than the risk of inviting people. We are called to invite others to come and see, yet we can often come up against barriers to inviting people. This sermon explores the 'why' and the 'how' of the best invitation we can give to someone: the opportunity to encounter Jesus and be part of His family, the Church.

Evangelism 101

Evangelism 101

This sermon is packed full of insight and inspiration about personal evangelism. Not only will you discover why evangelism is important; as you listen you will be practically equipped to meaningfully share the good news of the gospel with those you know and love, as well as better leverage the opportunities that arise to share Jesus as you go about the daily business of life.

Life On Mission

Life On Mission

We can often think that mission is only carried out by experts who travel overseas but Jesus calls us all to be disciple-making disciples. Mission isn't an event or programme - it's a lifestyle that has eternal consequences. Wherever we are and whatever we’re doing, we’re on mission. Listen and be reminded that sharing Jesus is the most incredible thing we can do for others.

We Are One

We Are One

On the occasion of our one year anniversary since replanting as One Church, this sermon shows the beauty and power of the local church when she is working right. Unpacking Jesus' prayer for oneness in John 17, you will discover afresh the tremendous capacity of the Church to utterly transform lives and culture. As you listen, you will be reminded of our calling as a church to be one in Christ, one in purpose and one in belonging.

Crossing Over

Crossing Over

At one point or another every church in every generation comes to a crossroads - a moment - at which they need to decide whether or not they will enter into God’s destiny for them. At this key time in our journey, this Vision Sunday sermon is an inspiring, rallying call to One Church not to miss our moment but to cross over into all that God has said is possible as we respond to His promises with faith and obedience. 

Encouraged to Encourage

Encouraged to Encourage

The world has enough critics; what we need is more encouragers - people with a "you can do it" approach for others. The best encouragers know how to stay encouraged in the Lord themselves; this sermon unpacks how to do just that and also how to be a person who cheers others on in life and faith.

Faithful, Faith-filled Friends

Faithful, Faith-filled Friends

There are people who just cannot get to Jesus on their own. Such was the case with the paralytic of Mark 2. But thankfully he had faithful, faith-filled friends who stopped at nothing to get him to Jesus - and because of them the paralytic received two amazing miracles that day. This message reminds us that all around there are people who are paralysed by the results of sin. They won’t get to Jesus on their own; they need someone to carry them - they need you! 

Prospering in a Time of Famine

Prospering in a Time of Famine

When famine struck the land in which he was living, Isaac faced a choice: to go down to Egypt where there were greener pastures or to choose to trust in God's word to him, even though it didn't seem to make sense in the natural. It was a matter of life and death but Isaac made the right choice. Isaac has much to teach us about how we can position ourselves for harvest even in a land of famine - and these are the principles that this sermon unpacks.

The sermon is also a specific challenge to One Church at a critical point in our church's history. It reminds the church that God's perfect will for us will not just happen automatically - that we each have an active part to play if we want to realise God's amazing destiny for us.

The Babies Are Coming

The Babies Are Coming

The spirit of barrenness is a spirit of stagnation and limitation that wants you to remain where you are and stop you from progressing into God's best for your life. But a survey of the Bible shows that even in our barrenness God can bring life to what has become stagnant - and we discover that many great deliverers were indeed born from barren wombs. This New Year's Day sermon is a call to move, under the anointing of God, from barrenness to fruitfulness. Specifically, in a climate in which many Christians are spiritually barren (i.e. spiritually childless), it is a challenge to One Church to make 2017 a year of soul-winning with a view to becoming spiritual fathers and mothers to others.

Spiritual Renewal

Spiritual Renewal

The book of Nehemiah tells not only how the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt but also how the people of God were rebuilt. It is a book about the causes and effects of revival. Revival actually depends a lot more on us than we often think and a lot less on God than we often think; that's because God is always wanting to revive us but often we are not ready. This sermon draws out 10 crucial components from Nehemiah that are key to creating the kind of spiritual atmosphere that is conducive to revival.

Renewing Culture

Renewing Culture

We are called to be salt and light in the world, playing our part in transforming and renewing the culture around us. Taking our inspiration from Jesus, who was radical in His challenge and renewal of the culture of His day, we can engage with and understand culture, seeking not to critique from a distance or become consumers of culture but to be part of God's redemptive plan to bring renewal to all aspects of the culture we're in.

Soaring to New Heights

Soaring to New Heights

Eagles do not fly like other birds, flapping their wings profusely and using their own strength. Instead, the eagle spreads its wings and the wind carries the eagle soaring through the sky. Just as it is with the eagle, we need to learn to spread our wings of faith and ride the heavenly winds of the Holy Spirit. This sermon draws out a number of amazing lessons for believers today from the way of the eagle. Bringing to the fore the revelation that we are called to live in high places, you’ll be inspired to get out of the nest, to spread your wings and to soar to new heights never before experienced.

Taking New Ground

Taking New Ground

God doesn't just move us physically to new ground but calls us to take new ground spiritually - in our lives, in our community and in our city. Using lessons from the book of Joshua, this sermon inspires us to be strong and courageous; to consecrate ourselves to God; to step out in faith and step into God's plans; and to passionately pursue His presence.

A New Thing

A New Thing

At times we can’t see the new thing that God is doing because we have become blinded by the past. That’s why we need to change our perspective – for God is far more interested in our future than He is in our past. You may feel like your past has turned your life into a wasteland but in that very desert place we believe God wants to release new life.

This sermon was delivered on the occasion of One’s Church first Sunday in our new meeting venue, The Hewett Academy. This relocation marks a new era for One Church as God gives us a new wineskin to receive the new wine that He wants to pour out in these days.