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The Object of Faith

The Object of Faith

In a day in which the doctrine of faith is sometimes manipulated and stretched beyond its biblical bounds, this sermon helps us discover what faith really is and how it really operates. You will learn that faith is only as strong as its object and that true biblical faith is dependent on the revealed promises of God, not our whims or desires or something that God has not revealed. Be encouraged as you listen to both face the facts and “faith the facts” and learn about the connection between faith and the power of God.

The Now and the Not Yet

The Now and the Not Yet

To what extent can we expect God to heal our bodies today? Addressing some of the excessive and erroneous ideas circulating about healing in contemporary circles, this sermon provides a robust and balanced theology of healing based on what the Bible teaches about the kingdom of God being simultaneously present and future. Our hope is that this message will both calibrate and galvanise the believer's expectations about healing in the present.

Inner Healing

Inner Healing

Many people carry wounds deep in their soul; if not dealt with these can seriously impinge on the quality of our lives and prevent us from moving forward into our God-given destiny. This sermon shows how to be emotionally healthy instead of struggling through life with damaged emotions. You will learn how to identify the messages of negativity and false beliefs in your inner narrative and replace them with the truth of who you are in Christ.



God created us body, soul and spirit and His heart is that we are made whole in all areas. This sermon looks at one of Jesus’ healing miracles and shows how Jesus’ concern was with physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Whether we are currently going through struggles or not, we can be confident that in Jesus, we stand on the promise of true restoration and complete wholeness.

The Presence

The Presence

In this message our Elim Regional Leader Dave Campbell reinforces some wonderful biblical truths: we don't gain God's favour, we just receive it; the currency of the kingdom of heaven is hunger - therefore we can have as much of God as we want. Dave shows us how to follow - and keep - the presence of God both in the river (i.e. the good times when God's voice is abundantly clear) and the desert (i.e. those challenging times when God seems far off). Indeed in those desert times we need to remember the voice from the river that says we are loved and favoured by God.

Touching Jesus

Touching Jesus

Many people were healed by the touch of Jesus; usually He touched them but this sermon tells the story of a woman who actually touched Him. Oftentimes Christians can have a passive, one-dimensional approach to their relationship with God: "well, if it be God's will, then I guess He'll just do it for me".  But true faith actively goes after the revealed promises of God. This message unpacks the ingredients that must be in place if we are to encounter Jesus' power; it shows the miraculous possibilities that await us when we touch Him with the touch of faith.

Crossing Over

Crossing Over

At one point or another every church in every generation comes to a crossroads - a moment - at which they need to decide whether or not they will enter into God’s destiny for them. At this key time in our journey, this Vision Sunday sermon is an inspiring, rallying call to One Church not to miss our moment but to cross over into all that God has said is possible as we respond to His promises with faith and obedience. 

A Mother From Zarephath

A Mother From Zarephath

Faith begins when you trust God’s promise enough to obey His commands, despite what you see with your natural eye. When the widow of Zarephath was at her lowest point, a simple act of faith changed absolutely everything; her response of obedience to God's Word resulted in blessing flowing into her life in unexpected ways. This Mother's Day 2017 sermon reminds us that the little in our hands remains little if it stays in our hands but placing it into God's hands can usher in the miraculous.

Making Room for the Master

Making Room for the Master

The more room we make for God, the more He will move in our lives; give God more of you and you will get more of Him. Be blessed by this message from guest speaker, Luke Brendling. Luke is an itinerant minister based in the UK. He was formerly on team at Hillsong London, where he still serves as a volunteer pastor.



If you’re a believer you’re also a minister - and the Holy Spirit wants to enable, empower, energise and equip you to perform your ministry. This sermon lays down foundational teaching about the gifts of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not an optional extra; we are a dead church without the life and anointing of the Holy Spirit flowing through us. The Holy Spirit enhances our natural talents and gifts us special abilities that are to be used to minister to the needs of people - to build up the church and to reach our world.  The gifts of the Spirit are our toolbox for ministry - everything we need to get the job done! 

Great Expectations

Great Expectations

Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”. This means that as Christians we should be living in so much more than we often do. Jesus meant that we should be praying God’s will and His kingdom into our lost and broken world. As Christians, miracles should be our norm. The supernatural should come naturally to us. We should expect miracles that reveal and glorify God. A life with God is one where we can have great expectations – expectations of the miracles He can work in our lives and through us in the lives of others.

True Spiritual Authority

True Spiritual Authority

Many believers, sometimes out of ignorance and sometimes because of poor choices, don’t live in what’s available to them. But Jesus didn’t die so we would live powerless and pitiful lives. In this sermon, Pastor Dominic unpacks biblical principles to equip you to walk out in the supernatural power of God.

Bringing Heaven Down

Bringing Heaven Down

Revival has more to do with us than we think. And miracles, signs and wonders are not the exception but the norm. In this message, Pastor Dominic unpacks biblical teaching about bringing the kingdom of heaven to every sphere of our world.