Viewing entries tagged
Spiritual Disciplines

Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

All of us are involved in a quest for fulfilment; in the fourth beatitude Jesus shows that true fulfilment is to be found in hungering and thirsting after righteousness. This sermon shows that this means desiring to live free from the power of sin and to walk right with God. You will learn how to cultivate a growing desire within you for this righteousness. 

Will You Be Ready? (The Parable of the Ten Virgins)

Will You Be Ready? (The Parable of the Ten Virgins)

Jesus is coming back again - we need to let the fact that Jesus could come back at any time dramatically impact the way we live today. There will only be two kinds of people when Jesus returns to this earth: those who are ready and those who are not. This sermon unpacks the Parable of the Ten Virgins and shows you how to have enough oil - how to be and live ready - for the return of Jesus.

Cultivating Your Heart for a Spiritual Harvest (The Parable of the Four Soils)

Cultivating Your Heart for a Spiritual Harvest (The Parable of the Four Soils)

The parable of the four soils reveals that the Word of God doesn't operate mechanically or inevitably. Two people can hear exactly the same message: one can have their life changed yet the other can remain unmoved. The ultimate reason for this is explained in this all-important parable; Jesus teaches us how the conditions of our heart need to be right in order for us to experience harvest. This sermon unpacks Jesus' teaching here and shows how to transform the soil of our heart into good soil that can bear much fruit.

The Adversary

The Adversary

By knowing what the Bible says about Satan, we expose him and reduce any illegitimate hold he has on our lives. This sermon provides lots of valuable insight on what the Bible reveals about Satan - who he is, what he is like and how he operates. Learn how to stand strong in the face of an enemy who seeks to oppose all of God's purposes in your life.

The Invisible War

The Invisible War

There is so much more to the world than what you physically see; this sermon brings insight about the unseen spiritual realm and shows Christians how to engage effectively, and overcome, in spiritual warfare. As you listen you will be encouraged that, though you may at times feel surrounded by hostile forces, when you look with spiritual eyes you're actually surrounded by the presence of God and His angels.

Evangelism 101

Evangelism 101

This sermon is packed full of insight and inspiration about personal evangelism. Not only will you discover why evangelism is important; as you listen you will be practically equipped to meaningfully share the good news of the gospel with those you know and love, as well as better leverage the opportunities that arise to share Jesus as you go about the daily business of life.

Adjust Your Volume

Adjust Your Volume

God is speaking but often we are not tuned into His voice; this hinders us from living out God's best in life. This sermon gives practical keys to turn up the volume on God's voice and turn down the volume on the other competing voices that vie for our attention. Listen and be equipped in learning how to recognise God's voice.

Losing Jesus

Losing Jesus

Luke 2 tells the story about how Mary and Joseph lost Jesus for a short time. Of course, Jesus didn't run away from them - they left Jesus behind. But Mary and Joseph are not the only ones to have lost Jesus, for many Christians have lost their daily fellowship with Him too.  If Jesus feels more distant than He once was, might it be our own decisions and choices that have created this separation? This sermon unpacks five ways in which it is possible for us to lose our daily fellowship with Christ and what we can do to recover His presence.

How Is Your Heart?

How Is Your Heart?

When the Bible speaks of the heart, it’s not primarily talking about the organ that pumps blood to the rest of the body. Rather, it’s talking about the essence of our being - who we really are. This sermon addresses the condition of your spiritual heart; as the command centre of your life, a healthy heart is vital if you want to live an effective life for God. Listen and learn five measurements of a healthy heart and also what to do to protect against spiritual heart disease.

The Eyes & Ears: What Are You Allowing In?

The Eyes & Ears: What Are You Allowing In?

When a doctor wants to check the health of a patient, she will often check the eyes with a flashlight and the ears with an otoscope. Our eyes and ears are vital to our spiritual health too, for these are the key gateways through which thoughts come into our mind in the first place. What gets your mind ultimately gets you; what you allow in makes its way out into your words, actions and habits. This is why it's important you exercise control over your eyes and ears through the guarding of these gates and the feeding of your mind with a good, wholesome, godly diet. This sermon shows and inspires you how to do just that!

Best Instruction Before Leaving Earth

Best Instruction Before Leaving Earth

There are books and there are books and then there is 'The Book', namely the Bible. Nothing can compare to the Word of God - it has no equal and is vital to the life of every Christian, from the youngest believer to the oldest. The Bible is the best instruction manual you will ever need here on earth. This sermon gives a brief overview of the Bible and explores why it is so important for us to engage with it.

Living Beyond Yourself

Living Beyond Yourself

In the book of Romans, Paul urges us "in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice". Jesus is the inspiration, the source and the enabler of a life of sacrifice lived for Him. We can lay aside our position because He did, we can serve others because He did and we can give freely because He did. In this final sermon in our 'Rhythms' series, be encouraged to adopt disciplines of sacrifice that will help you deepen your relationship with God and lead you into a life of true freedom.

Putting Fasting Back on the Menu

Putting Fasting Back on the Menu

A survey of the New Testament and the Old Testament, and also much of Church history, shows fasting to be an essential spiritual discipline. If you visit hotspots of revival, you don’t have to search too far to find sacrificial prayer and fasting. Yet today, at least as far as the western church is concerned, fasting is all too often missing from the practice of many Christians. Might this be one of the key contributing factors why, by and large, we are not operating in the same raw power as the early church? This sermon, in addition to giving practical advice on fasting, sets forth seven key reasons that will motivate you towards fasting. 

The Priority of Worship

The Priority of Worship

When our lives are dedicated to worshipping God and we commit to worshipping in all that we do - in our daily devotion, as church gathered together and in every other sphere of our lives - we are transformed into the likeness of Jesus. This sermon will teach you about when to worship, how to worship and the fruit of our worship; listen and be encouraged afresh to give God the worship that He alone deserves.

Daily Rhythms

Daily Rhythms

Having a devotional - or quiet - time each day in which you worship, pray and engage with the Bible is one of the most important things you can do. It is vital to victorious Christian living, healthy spiritual growth and a developing relationship with God. This sermon, packed full of practical wisdom, will inspire you to intentional spirituality and pursuit of God by establishing daily rhythms to get your heartbeat in sync with God's.

True Spiritual Authority

True Spiritual Authority

Many believers, sometimes out of ignorance and sometimes because of poor choices, don’t live in what’s available to them. But Jesus didn’t die so we would live powerless and pitiful lives. In this sermon, Pastor Dominic unpacks biblical principles to equip you to walk out in the supernatural power of God.

Fuelled By Prayer

Fuelled By Prayer

Prayer must be our first resort, not our last resort. This sermon encourages us to be a church that is fuelled by prayer and will open your eyes to the necessity of, and power of, prayer.