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Who Are You Talking To? (The Parable of the Persistent Widow)

Who Are You Talking To? (The Parable of the Persistent Widow)

The Parable of the Persistent Widow tells us about the importance of persistence in prayer. It shows us that our persistence is not a plea to be heard but is rooted in being daughters and sons of the King, confident that God hears us when we pray. In contrast to the widow approaching the unjust judge, we persist in prayer precisely because we’re praying to God who loves us and cares about us.

The Adversary

The Adversary

By knowing what the Bible says about Satan, we expose him and reduce any illegitimate hold he has on our lives. This sermon provides lots of valuable insight on what the Bible reveals about Satan - who he is, what he is like and how he operates. Learn how to stand strong in the face of an enemy who seeks to oppose all of God's purposes in your life.

But the Church Prayed

But the Church Prayed

For many Christians and many churches corporate prayer has become an extra-curricular activity, not the indispensable component that it is in the Bible. Drawing on the example of the early church, this sermon reminds us that if we are to be a powerful church then we must also be a prayerful church. You will see that the faith-filled, corporate prayers of God's people can change even impossible situations; they increase our chances exponentially of seeing the miraculous break out. Learn more about the power of prayer and be inspired as you listen towards passionate, fervent, corporate prayer.

Stop, Look & Listen!

Stop, Look & Listen!

When crossing a road we are taught to stop, look and listen, making sure the way is clear and safe. As we travel the road that God has set before us there has never been a more important time to be listening to Him for His instructions and direction. To achieve this we need to form a daily habit: stop, look and listen. This message explores how God speaks to us and shows us how to develop our ability to hear Him.

The Spiritual Realms

The Spiritual Realms

If God is Spirit how do we relate to Him? What does it mean to be seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus? This sermon unpacks the dynamics of the spiritual realms; you will learn how to see with spiritual lenses what is happening behind the physical realm and cooperate with God through prayer for His will to be released on earth. 

Faithful, Faith-filled Friends

Faithful, Faith-filled Friends

There are people who just cannot get to Jesus on their own. Such was the case with the paralytic of Mark 2. But thankfully he had faithful, faith-filled friends who stopped at nothing to get him to Jesus - and because of them the paralytic received two amazing miracles that day. This message reminds us that all around there are people who are paralysed by the results of sin. They won’t get to Jesus on their own; they need someone to carry them - they need you! 

Making Sense of Unanswered Prayer

Making Sense of Unanswered Prayer

In response to prayer most of us have experienced an outcome we didn't expect or have felt the silence or frustration of what we perceive as unanswered prayer. But as we stand on the truth that God is present, loving and powerful we can engage with Him to help us make sense of unanswered prayer. This sermon will give you a biblical framework to grapple with the at times agonising question of why some prayers don't seem to be answered.

Putting Fasting Back on the Menu

Putting Fasting Back on the Menu

A survey of the New Testament and the Old Testament, and also much of Church history, shows fasting to be an essential spiritual discipline. If you visit hotspots of revival, you don’t have to search too far to find sacrificial prayer and fasting. Yet today, at least as far as the western church is concerned, fasting is all too often missing from the practice of many Christians. Might this be one of the key contributing factors why, by and large, we are not operating in the same raw power as the early church? This sermon, in addition to giving practical advice on fasting, sets forth seven key reasons that will motivate you towards fasting. 

Daily Rhythms

Daily Rhythms

Having a devotional - or quiet - time each day in which you worship, pray and engage with the Bible is one of the most important things you can do. It is vital to victorious Christian living, healthy spiritual growth and a developing relationship with God. This sermon, packed full of practical wisdom, will inspire you to intentional spirituality and pursuit of God by establishing daily rhythms to get your heartbeat in sync with God's.

Fuelled By Prayer

Fuelled By Prayer

Prayer must be our first resort, not our last resort. This sermon encourages us to be a church that is fuelled by prayer and will open your eyes to the necessity of, and power of, prayer.