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Easter Sunday | Malcolm Reeve

Easter Sunday | Malcolm Reeve

In this important message of our Easter 2023 series, Malcolm Reeve unpacks the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the first Easter, showing how we have been freed from the chains that had bound us.

Kingdom Rise

Kingdom Rise

Following the death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus spends time appearing to His disciples before departing from the earth. It is this departure - the Ascension - that is the focus of this 4th and final message in our current sermon series, ‘Cross Roads’. It is entitled Kingdom Rise.

Kingdom Rise provides insight to the highly significant journey that Jesus, as the Christ, makes from earth to heaven. It does this whilst also making reference to mission on earth, and to both the Old and New Covenants.  As disciples of Jesus we are destined to follow Him.

‘Kingdom Rise’ is the fourth and final instalment of our April 2020 sermon series - ‘Cross Roads’. For more information, please visit

Emmaus Road

Emmaus Road

The Bible contains numerous accounts of individuals, groups of people and a whole Nation going on a journey, each of which identifies the who, when and where they occurred; they the also reveal their nature and character as they respond to specific incidents and challenges they encounter, in doing so we see the revelation of God and how their specific journey comes to a close.

The Emmaus Road journey is no different and as you listen to this message,  you will understand the importance of the Old Testament and why it is so crucial for all Christians to read them as well, of course, the New Testament.

‘Emmaus Road’ is the third instalment of our April 2020 sermon series - ‘Cross Roads’.

For more information, please visit

Resurrection Way

Resurrection Way

‘Resurrection Way’ is our Easter Sunday message, it is part of our sermon series - ‘Cross Roads’. Be inspired and challenged as we explore the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. It is time for the people of God to believe afresh and to demonstrate the resurrection power of God to a dying, fear-filled world. Are you ready to step out of that which confines you?!

For more information, please visit

Calvary Walk

Calvary Walk

‘Calvary Walk’ is the first instalment of our new April preaching series entitled ‘Cross Roads’. In this message, we will walk through the Gospel of Mark in the hours leading up to Jesus’ death on the cross. As you listen to this message today, you will see that God’s mighty hand has been at work in our world’s history for longer than we could have realised and that he has a perfect plan to restore this imperfect world to himself.

For more information, please visit

Because He Lives

Because He Lives

Without the resurrection of Jesus there is no salvation and there is no hope - but because He lives, we can truly live too, both now and forevermore. Discover why we can have confidence in the historicity of the biblical claims about Jesus rising from the dead and learn about the profound implications of the resurrection for each of us today.

The video that Pastor Dominic refers to in the sermon about the evidence for the resurrection can be found here:

This Changes Everything

This Changes Everything

This Easter Sunday sermon highlights some of the staggering consequences of the resurrection: the resurrection proves Jesus is who He said He is; it shows He has the power He claimed to have; it means that He will do everything He says He will do. Because He was raised from the dead, Jesus can redeem our past, fix our brokenness and make us right with God; He can give us power to live in the present and courage to withstand persecution, problems and pain; and if that wasn't enough, He can give us hope and a future in heaven. 


This is the video that Pastor Dominic refers to in the sermon about the evidence for the resurrection:



Jesus arrived into Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday coming not in might but in humility, coming not to overthrow but to lay down his life. He came to defeat the power of sin, He came to trample death, He came so we could have a relationship with God and live in eternity with Him. And like those first disciples the only right response can be for us to cry "Hosanna!".

Three Crosses

Three Crosses

Usually, and rightly so, when we think of the events of Good Friday we focus on that middle cross – the cross where Jesus hung. But there were two other crosses at Calvary that day too, and there is indeed much for us to learn as we consider the story of those two other men who were crucified alongside Jesus. Which side of the cross are you on? Listen now to this stirring gospel message. 

The First Sacrifice

The First Sacrifice

The first death in the Bible is the death of an animal killed by God to clothe naked sinners. Having lost their covering of God’s glory when they disobeyed God, Adam and Eve tried in vain to cover their nakedness by sewing fig leaves together. But nothing they did could ease their fear and shame; yet God in His love and grace provided blood-soaked tunics for these two unworthy sinners. This sermon reminds us that without Christ's blood we are naked in our sin, naked of righteousness and worthy of judgement. Your eyes will be opened to the power of Christ's work of substitutionary atonement on the cross; this means that our sin can be covered and we can be connected to God in relationship once again because we are now clothed in Christ's garment of righteousness.

The Resurrection Evidence that Changed a Generation of Scholars

The Resurrection Evidence that Changed a Generation of Scholars

A chance to listen to the lecture presented at the One Church School of Apologetics by Professor Gary Habermas on the Minimal Facts Method and the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. 

Gary demonstrates that independent of the historicity of the gospels or one’s view of the reliability or inspiration of the Bible, the outcome of historiographical scholarship demonstrates conclusively that Jesus died, was buried and rose to life in line with 1 Corinthians 15. 

Gary is Distinguished Professor and Chair of Philosophy at Liberty University, USA. He is widely considered the world expert on the historiographical evidence for Christ's resurrection.

One Way

One Way

The resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth from the dead is the ultimate authentication of Jesus’ claim to be God. If Jesus was raised from the dead the implications are immense and a response is required of each one of us.

Drawing on the evidence for the resurrection, this message explores Jesus’ claim to be the Way, the Truth and the Life and also deals with the false logic behind the prevailing view in our culture that all religious paths are equally true.

The Christian hope is not built on the empty promises of a dead religious teacher but on the glorious fact of the resurrection of the Son of God. For those of us who have trusted in Christ, that means we have access to life and freedom on this earth and also a future in heaven that is immeasurably good.

Cheers, Jeers and Triumph

Cheers, Jeers and Triumph

At Easter we celebrate the most momentous event in the history of the world. On Good Friday we remember the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for us, giving His life so that we might live. In this Good Friday message, we look at the events around the crucifixion through the words that were spoken - the cheers, the jeers and the triumph. What will your response to Jesus be this Easter?