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Room at the Table (The Parable of the Great Banquet)

Room at the Table (The Parable of the Great Banquet)

The Parable of the Great Banquet shows us God’s amazing generosity in inviting us into His kingdom. But the invitation doesn’t just stop there - there is room at the table and God wants His house full, so we need to let others know that they are welcome, that they are invited to God’s great banquet.

Who Is My Neighbour?

Who Is My Neighbour?

Although most people are familiar with the story of the Good Samaritan, all too often we’ve sanitised Jesus’ message in it, which results in us missing just how challenging the call to love our neighbour as ourselves is. The Good Samaritan isn’t a story about the kindness of strangers; it’s a radical redefinition of the word 'neighbour' and a picture of crossing divisions to love those who are different to us. This sermon challenges us to ask the questions “who is my neighbour?” and “how can I be a neighbour to them?”.

Faithful, Faith-filled Friends

Faithful, Faith-filled Friends

There are people who just cannot get to Jesus on their own. Such was the case with the paralytic of Mark 2. But thankfully he had faithful, faith-filled friends who stopped at nothing to get him to Jesus - and because of them the paralytic received two amazing miracles that day. This message reminds us that all around there are people who are paralysed by the results of sin. They won’t get to Jesus on their own; they need someone to carry them - they need you! 

The Great Commission & The Great Compassion

The Great Commission & The Great Compassion

Christianity is not only about having our sins forgiven but also coming into relationship with our Father God. With our status in God’s family secure, God calls us to go about the family business of making disciples and practically demonstrating His love.

Be inspired by this sermon from guest speaker David Campbell, overseer of the Elim Metropolitan Regions, comprising of some 140 churches and including One Church.

Daring Faith, Unswerving Hope, Radical Love

Daring Faith, Unswerving Hope, Radical Love

Daring faith, unswerving hope and radical love describe what we as Church are called to live out. These words outline what we need to demonstrate to see God’s kingdom come – what it’s going to take to see our communities, our cities and our nations impacted and transformed in Jesus’ name.  This sermon will inspire you to have a faith in God that dares to grasp hold of His promises for our lives and for the lives of others; to persevere and remain steadfast in hope, being firmly anchored regardless of any storm; and to be filled, motivated and driven by radical love.

This sermon, from our Vision Sunday (Part One) on 24th January 2016, marked the announcement of our new name. The statement 'daring faith, unswerving hope, radical love' is the strapline for One Church.

Radical Hospitality

Radical Hospitality

What does it look like to live out radical hospitality? This sermon is packed full of biblical insight and practical guidance as to how we can be a community who opens our hearts, homes and tables to others. Let’s reclaim the expectation of an encounter with the living God through our practice of hospitality.

Towards the Lost, the Last and the Least

Towards the Lost, the Last and the Least

The church is not a pleasure boat for entertaining church members but a lifeboat for saving sinners. This sermon reminds us of God’s heart for us to be an outward-orientated people who live beyond ourselves.