Viewing entries tagged
Blood of Jesus

The Crimson Thread

The Crimson Thread

When it comes to the teaching on the blood of Jesus, it’s easy to think of it solely in terms of the New Testament. Yet there is an unbroken crimson thread which permeates both the Old and New Testaments. From the time of Adam to the time of Christ, Scripture is full of numerous accounts about how God entered into blood covenant with humankind. This sermon unpacks some of the amazing revelation about the blood in the Bible.

The Last Sacrifice

The Last Sacrifice

This sermon expounds the powerful, life-changing teaching in Hebrews 9 and 10 and brings wonderful insight about the power of the blood of Jesus. Jesus was the fulfilment of all that the Old Testament pointed toward; He was not merely a sacrifice for our sins but the once and for all atoning sacrifice for our sins. The Old Testament sacrifices could only cover sin; the sacrificial offering of Christ’s blood removed sin forever. On the cross, every last drop of Christ’s blood was shed so that you could have God’s life flowing through you. The barrier that was there between you and God was removed; you can now follow Jesus your high priest into the holy presence of God in heaven - now and forevermore. 

The First Sacrifice

The First Sacrifice

The first death in the Bible is the death of an animal killed by God to clothe naked sinners. Having lost their covering of God’s glory when they disobeyed God, Adam and Eve tried in vain to cover their nakedness by sewing fig leaves together. But nothing they did could ease their fear and shame; yet God in His love and grace provided blood-soaked tunics for these two unworthy sinners. This sermon reminds us that without Christ's blood we are naked in our sin, naked of righteousness and worthy of judgement. Your eyes will be opened to the power of Christ's work of substitutionary atonement on the cross; this means that our sin can be covered and we can be connected to God in relationship once again because we are now clothed in Christ's garment of righteousness.

The Blood of the Lamb

The Blood of the Lamb

What nine plagues could not do, the blood did; indeed, the Israelites were finally set free from 430 years of captivity in Egypt because of the blood of lambs being applied to their homes that very first Passover. When John the Baptist declared Jesus the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, he was glimpsing prophetically into the future, seeing Jesus as the Passover lamb appointed to free us from our captivity to sin. This message declares the power in the shed blood of Jesus. You will learn what the blood will do for you when applied by faith: our sins are forgiven, we have access to God, our consciences are cleansed, we are sanctified and we are able to overcome the enemy!