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Possessing the Promises

Possessing the Promises

This inspirational prophetic message to the church is the last sermon by Pastors Dominic & Catherine De Souza in the capacity as Senior Leaders of One Church. We are reminded that God has spoken some amazing promises over us but that, though these are within our grasp, they won’t be fulfilled automatically. Learn how to take possession of the promises of God and to walk in the His very best, both personally and as a church.

[Sermon preceded by introduction from Elder Malcolm Reeve and goodbye message from Pastors Dominic & Catherine; to fast forward to the start of the sermon scroll to 8 mins 15 secs.]

Living Stones or Dead Weights?

Living Stones or Dead Weights?

God is building His Church with living stones; people. This message asks the question, are we fully surrendered in the hands of the master builder - are we in the place He wants and needs us to be in His Kingdom building programme?

Commands Into Promises

Commands Into Promises

In this sermon, Dave Campbell - Regional Leader for the Metropolitan East Elim churches, of which One Church is a part - poses the question of how good are we at hearing the Father’s voice as sons and daughters. This message not only explores this crucial ability but goes onto explain the change in relationship from commands to promises.

The Great Commission

The Great Commission

What is the mission that we have as modern-day disciples of Jesus Christ? In this sermon we take a look at the Great Commission that Jesus gave to His followers. Learn about how an epic global assignment awaits us all - one that promises to be full of surprises and blessings along the way and one that we do in the full authority of Christ.

The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter

Who is stealing your heart? Have you found yourself being distracted or prevented from going all out in your relationship with God and all that He has for you? In today’s sermon you will hear who is behind it and how it is done, but more importantly the things you can do to guard against it.

Because He Lives

Because He Lives

Without the resurrection of Jesus there is no salvation and there is no hope - but because He lives, we can truly live too, both now and forevermore. Discover why we can have confidence in the historicity of the biblical claims about Jesus rising from the dead and learn about the profound implications of the resurrection for each of us today.

The video that Pastor Dominic refers to in the sermon about the evidence for the resurrection can be found here:

Dare to Be Like Deborah

Dare to Be Like Deborah

The spiritual mother and bold leader Deborah, who we learn about in Judges chapters 4 and 5, has much to teach us. This Mother’s Day 2019 sermon challenges us to dare to have wisdom, courage and passion like Deborah; it explores how our lives and the lives of those around us could be impacted and the victories that could be won if we dared to be like Deborah.

Evangelism Seminar: Big Yes, Little Yes, Healthy Maybe

Evangelism Seminar: Big Yes, Little Yes, Healthy Maybe

In this practical and inspiring post-service seminar, Elim National Evangelist Mark Greenwood helps us to better understand the journey involved when a person comes to faith in Christ. This eye-opening session may challenge your understanding of successful evangelism and will equip you to better reach others in our 21st century culture for Christ.

A Divine Operation

A Divine Operation

Sometimes we forget that evangelism is not a human enterprise but a divine operation. In this message our guest speaker Mark Greenwood, the Elim National Evangelist, reminds us that evangelism is a God idea: as we do our bit God will do His. As we put aside our excuses we discover the most amazing thing: God goes with us wherever He sends us.

Courage In Obedience

Courage In Obedience

In this sermon guest speaker Sarah Parkinson - Discipleship Pastor at Letchworth Garden City Church - looks at some of the "be strong and courageous" statements in Joshua Chapter 1. Both challenging and prophetic, this sermon will inspire you to take the steps you need towards wholehearted obedience.

Continuing What Jesus Began

Continuing What Jesus Began

On the occasion of the second anniversary of One Church, this sermon goes back to the book of Acts and reminds us that God desires to do today all the things He did in the beginning! In fact as the Church of today we are called to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ in this world, expecting supernatural results as our norm! This message highlights the power and authority that God has invested in His Church and shows us that the hope for any community lies in the body of believers in that community.

The Power of Worship

The Power of Worship

This sermon by our Kids & Youth Leader Ian Sadler shows how to access and utilise the weapon of worship. Learn more about how worship helps us to fight our battles and overcome the schemes of the enemy.


The Holy Spirit at Pentecost

The Holy Spirit at Pentecost

In this Pentecost Sunday sermon Jill Gower unpacks Bible promises about the Holy Spirit and shows how these were fulfilled at Pentecost. Learn about the person and work of the Holy Spirit and how He impacts our lives today.

Taking Jesus at His Word

Taking Jesus at His Word

Even before we’ve seen a sign we can put our faith in Jesus, knowing that He is who He says He is and He does what He says He will do. If you’re currently on the journey between hearing the word and seeing the sign, know that you can take Jesus at His word. Listen now to this faith-building sermon: Taking Jesus at His Word.

The Timing of God

The Timing of God

Sometimes it can seem if God's timing is taking too long; this isn't always easy for us to understand but this sermons reminds us that God's timing is perfect and that in all things we can trust Him. Be encouraged as you listen to keep on pursuing the promises of God.

Turning Disability into Possibility

Turning Disability into Possibility

Bart was born with a very rare disability; the outlook was bleak! Hear his story of the God who knows no impossibility and how Bart broke through all the limits of what the doctors thought was possible.

And here's a video showing the remarkable ways in which Bart has broken through limits!

We Will Tell the Next Generation

We Will Tell the Next Generation

It is almost incomprehensible that after the passionate, adventurous, faith-filled 'Joshua generation' died another generation rose up that did not know the Lord. This message explains how something so unthinkable could happen and shows the vital importance of passing on the baton of faith to the next generation. Not only will you learn how to parent for faith but you will discover that each of us, whether we have children or not, has a responsibility to preserve and transmit God's story for those that come after us.

The Significance of the Small Beginning

The Significance of the Small Beginning

In our culture of instant gratification we often expect the glorious and the grand straight away, failing to recognise that God often has the habit of starting the great and big things through the seemingly ordinary and insignificant things. This inspirational New Year's Eve sermon - which contains a rhema word for One Church in 2018 - exhorts us to be faithful in the day of small things and shows us how to keep on going on the face of difficulties and opposition. You will gain a new perspective on your struggles and learn how to bless your day of small beginnings, thereby being positioned to walk in God's best this next year and beyond.

Who Is My Neighbour?

Who Is My Neighbour?

Although most people are familiar with the story of the Good Samaritan, all too often we’ve sanitised Jesus’ message in it, which results in us missing just how challenging the call to love our neighbour as ourselves is. The Good Samaritan isn’t a story about the kindness of strangers; it’s a radical redefinition of the word 'neighbour' and a picture of crossing divisions to love those who are different to us. This sermon challenges us to ask the questions “who is my neighbour?” and “how can I be a neighbour to them?”.

A Song in the Midnight

A Song in the Midnight

Do you know how to praise God in your midnight hour? Paul and Silas did; as they faced one of their darkest times, they chose not to complain but instead to pray and to praise - and they literally prayed and praised their way to deliverance! An atmosphere of praise - especially when created together with other believers - repels the enemy and attracts the presence of God. Be encouraged as you learn why and how to lift up your voice to God in the toughest times of life. Your song in the midnight shows what you really believe about God; it has the potential not only to set you free but others too!