Viewing entries in
Matters of the Heart

Heart Surgeon

Heart Surgeon

Heart Surgeon is the final message in our ‘Matters of the Heart’ series. It is through the work of heaven’s surgical team, Father Son and Holy Spirit, that our hearts are truly changed. In Psalm 51, King David’s prayer contains the words ‘Create in me a clean heart, O God,’ - let that also be our cry.

Heart Conditions

Heart Conditions

With insight from Joseph and his family, together with the craft of pottery, this message examines our ‘heart condition’ and what flows from it. Be both challenged and encouraged as we continue our series exploring - ‘Matters of the Heart.’

Heart Attacks

Heart Attacks

Heart Attacks - is the second message in our February sermon series, ‘Matters of the Heart.’

In this message, we see that though we may face tribulations and attacks that hit us on a heart level, God is always gracious and good to us through it all. As Jesus told his followers, I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. Be encouraged and strengthened today by the words of this message of hope.

Heart Shaped

Heart Shaped

Heart Shaped - is the first message in our new sermon series, ‘Matters of the Heart.’ It examines the important aspect of who, and what has shaped, and is shaping our hearts. Can it be said that we are a man/woman after God’s own heart, as was said of David in 1 Samuel 13:14?