We travel from Acts to the modern day in this message - Re-establish. The Apostle Paul had been used mightily by God in the 1st Century to establish churches and leaders all around the Mediterranean. We are now in the 21st Century and God is still using men and women to re-establish His Kingdom on the earth. The baton/mantle has been passed to the modern-day church - us! Are you ready to play your part?

As you listen we pray that God will establish in your heart His plan and purpose for you. 

‘Re-Establish’ is the 7th message of the sermon series - ‘Simple Acts of Revival’ - For more information about our current services, please visit onechurch.uk/church-online

This week’s service playlist is on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdAX496mloQsRqrgFAFLghV1BxmVJ8qnQ